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Israeli warplanes 'launch air strike in Syria'

Israeli warplanes have launched an air strike inside Syria from Lebanese air space, US officials have said.

Unnamed officials told media outlets the likely target was a weapons site. Some reports suggest the arms were to be sent to Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Israel has refused to confirm the strike, though it has launched strikes in Syria as recently as January.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama says he does not foresee sending US troops to tackle Syria's civil war.

Western intelligence agencies have raised concerns that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons, something which the US has termed a "red line".

Mr Obama reaffirmed on Friday that clear evidence of chemical weapons would be a "game changer", but that any response would not be rushed.

US officials say the Israeli air strike happened overnight Thursday into Friday, but the aircraft did not enter Syrian airspace.

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman denounced the flights and accused Israel of breaking international law.

The statements did not mention possible strikes against Syria.

An Israeli embassy spokesman in Washington declined to comment on the air strike claims.

But the spokesman added: "What we can say is that Israel is determined to prevent the transfer of chemical weapons or other game-changing weaponry by the Syrian regime to terrorists, especially to Hezbollah in Lebanon."
Source: BBC 5/04/2013


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