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Google acquires kite-power generator

Google has acquired a US company that generates power using turbines mounted on tethered kites or wings.

Makani Power will become part of Google X - the secretive research and development arm of the search giant.
The deal comes as Makani carries out the first fully autonomous flights of robot kites bearing its power-generating propellers.

Google has not announced how much it paid to acquire Makani, but it has invested $15m (£9.9m) in the company before now.

In a statement posted to its website, Makani said the deal would "provide Makani with the resources to accelerate our work to make wind energy cost competitive with fossil fuels".

Rather than use fixed turbines to generate power, Makani has been experimenting with "flying wings" adorned with several smaller turbines that act as propellers as the craft takes off.
Source: BBC 5/24/2013


Ciara said...

It’s a very good and innovative idea of combining kites with wind turbines to produce the strong and solid wind energy high up in the sky.

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