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Ex-Nokia team makes rival smartphone Jolla

A company made up of former Nokia employees has shown off Jolla, a new smartphone with a custom operating system known as Sailfish.

The software has been built from the remnants of MeeGo, a project abandoned by Nokia in 2011 in favour of adopting Windows Phone for its handsets.
The Jolla phone - pronounced Yol-la - is due to be released by the end of the year, and will only be sold online.

It will enter a market already heavily crowded with several operating systems.

"For a couple of years we haven't had anything really interesting in the mobile phone market," said Antti Saarnio, chairman and co-founder of Jolla.

"This creates opportunities for newcomers to come in. It's different, but it's purposefully different."

The phone has a 4.5in screen, with an eight megapixel camera. It also supports 4G and is compatible with apps made for Google's Android.

Mr Saarnio left Nokia in 2011, along with several other employees who had been working on a joint Nokia-IBM project to create a new mobile operating system to rival the likes of Apple's iOS and Google Android.
Source: BBC 5/21/2013


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