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North Korea rejects Kaesong talks with South Korea

North Korea has rejected South Korea's call for talks on resuming operations at a joint industrial zone.

In a statement, North Korea warned that South Korea's ultimatum would "lead to no good results".

On Thursday, South Korea gave the North 24 hours to agree to talks on the Kaesong Industrial Complex, warning of "grave measures" if its offer was ignored.

South Korea's president later held a meeting with top officials to discuss next steps.

A statement from the Unification Ministry was expected shortly, a separate report said.

North-South tensions are high following Pyongyang's(Capital of North Korea) nuclear test in February and the subsequent imposition of expanded UN sanctions.

The Kaesong complex, launched in 2003 as a sign of North-South co-operation, is located just inside North Korea. It is the biggest contributor to inter-Korean trade and provides the North with much-needed hard currency. 
Source: BBC

Related stories: South Korea proposes Kaesong talks with North Korea 4/26/2013


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