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'Growing evidence' of chemical weapons use in Syria- USA and UK

The US has said that Syria has probably used chemical weapons against rebel forces on a "small scale," but emphasised that intelligence services were still not 100 percent sure.

US spy agencies have investigated reports from Syrian opposition groups that President Bashar al-Assad's forces have used sarin gas on at least two occasions during the two-year-old conflict.

After US statement, UK Prime Minister David Cameron also reiterated that There is "limited but growing" evidence that Syrian government troops have used chemical weapons, .

"It is extremely serious, this is a war crime," Mr Cameron told.

Also he added that he agreed with the White House's warning that chemical weapons use would be a "red line" for possible intervention.

Syria is believed to possess large quantities of chemical weapons.

Anthony Loyd, a journalist for the Times newspaper, told about one suspected chemical weapons attack earlier this month in the northern city of Aleppo.

Video shown to him by doctors treating the affected patients "showed pretty clearly that they had been gassed", Mr Loyd says.

But the Syrian official Sharif Shehadeh called the US and UK claims `"lies'' and likened them to false accusations that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction ahead of the U.S. invasion of that country.
Source: BBC & Aljazeera 4/26/2013


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