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No reason to deny Commonwealth in Colombo - Commonwealth Secretary General

Now alleged war crimes are being pushed onto the agenda of the Commonwealth.

"Bad things happen in war, but there has to be a full accountability by both the government and the opposition for war crimes," Canada's Foreign Minister, John Baird, told during his visit to London for the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG).

"We find it absolutely appalling that Sri Lanka would be taking on a leadership role in the Commonwealth," emphasised Mr Baird after a meeting of the CMAG, which describes itself as "the custodian of Commonwealth values and principles".

Mr Baird added that he had seen nothing to cause him to advise Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to change his position on Colombo's human rights record.

Bangladesh's Foreign Minister, Dr Dipu Moni, told that her country would attend a summit in Colombo, but said: "We are urging our close neighbour and friend to take all necessary steps to fulfil accountability."

SL government cabinet spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella accused Canada of being "very biased, very unfair".

Asked about calls from Canada and leading human rights groups for an independent, international probe into accusations of war crimes, Mr Rambukwella repeated his government's rejection of outside involvement, saying it had its own commission and reconciliation process.

The cabinet spokesman accused Ottawa of playing to the large Tamil diaspora in Canada.

Despite Sri Lankan government efforts to rebuild areas ravaged by years of war, Tamil communities outside and inside the country remain critical of Colombo's efforts to reintegrate a population still deeply traumatised by a devastating war.

Mr Rambukwella insisted: "The Tamil people are much happier today."

Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma said on Friday that he saw no reason to deny Sri Lanka the honour of staging the next summit.

He told a news conference in London that Sri Lanka was "engaged and willing" to improve the situation.
Source: BBC 4/30/2013


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