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Bodu Bala Sena goes to International

Bodu Bala Sena is all set to go for international activities, Executive Committee Member Dilantha Vithanage said today.

“There is a high demand from abroad for our organization. It has become essential to extend our organization and our contribution internationally so as to raise awareness among the international community about our mission,” he said. “We see this as a great opportunity to clear any doubts about the work we do.”

Several monks including General Secretary the Ven. Galagodatte Gnanasara Thera and National Organizer Ven. Vitharandeniye Nanda Thera flew to the US yesterday.

Mr. Vithanage said there was a high demand overseas for the ‘Buddhanussathi’ meditation conducted by Ven. Galagodaatte Gnanasara Thera and that an American Buddhist Temple had invited the BBS to visit the US.

The monks are expected to conduct meditation programmes in some Buddhist temples there.
“Meanwhile the Bodu Bala Sena will be organising programmes to explain their agenda.

Campaigns will eventually lead to establishing a committee in America with those who support the organization,” he said.
Source: Dailymirror



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