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South Korea proposes Kaesong talks with North Korea

North Korea should respond to the offer by Friday. it would face "grave measures" if it rejected the offer; South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Hyung-suk

Access to "critical" Kaesong industrial complex

South Korea is proposing formal talks with the North over restarting operations at the jointly-run Kaesong Industrial Complex.

Pyongyang blocked South Korean access to the site and pulled out its 53,000 workers earlier this month.

Tensions between the Koreas are high following the North's third nuclear test in February.

"The government today officially proposes to hold working-level talks between the authorities of the South and North to resolve humanitarian issues affecting Kaesong workers and to normalise Kaesong industrial zone," Mr Kim said.

He said Pyongyang should respond to the offer by Friday, and said it would face "grave measures" if it rejected the offer.

He did not elaborate on what the measures would be, although some analysts believe the South would withdraw the 176 South Koreans still at the complex, which is located inside North Korea.

The remaining South Korean nationals in the park were "suffering serious difficulties due to the shortage of food and medicines", Mr Kim said.

South Korean companies were also "suffering big damages and pains", he added.
Source: BBC 4/25/2013


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